
Updated: October 4, 2024


A love for finance, machine learning and AI

What it does

Glance allows you to have multiple financial accounts in the same place to avoid the redundancy of checking multiple platforms. It also provides market information and curated AI insights based on your spending habits and investments.

How we built it

We built it using the T3 stack which incorporates:

We used other technologies such as:

Challenges we ran into

Challenges we ran into included attempting to use crypto APIs such as Binance, Coinbase, and Robinhood, which proved unfeasible given project scope (cost, time constraints, and the need for a registered business).

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We successfully incorporated multiple challenging APIs (including Polygon and Plaid), experienced very few merge conflicts, securely implemented OAuth for user logins, and employed a modern stack (T3) despite no prior experience on our team.

What we learned

We learned how powerful frameworks can be for rapidly developing applications from scratch, how to route APIs, and that integrating certain APIs can be much harder than others.

What's next for Glance

We will continue working on Glance because we both have a passion for finance and making it more accessible. We're also deeply interested in ML/AI technologies. This project lets us demonstrate those interests and skills. Expect new developments, expanded features, and broader operations in the near future.

How to run: